Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

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Disclaimer: The content on this wiki is fictional and NOT a resource for real tropical cyclones. NONE of this wiki's content should be taken as a real indication of inclement weather.


Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

I'm just starting to wonder if I'm a weak person mentally.

I am having a really hard time at school, people usually make fun of me and don't want to be around me. I can't explain the full details here, but I am being treated like if I'm a 4 year old at my school. Big crowd flocking around, making fun, carfree, oh my, what is this? Am I too eccentric?!? 

Enfp lol


And since I am very extraverted (according to this photo) and people run away from me, does this make me strange at all?

It looks like if I make decisions based on heart too. (95% feeling.) Seriously, what have I become?!?

People sending stranges messages on Snapchat?

Anyone of you having a hard time at school?
