Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

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Disclaimer: The content on this wiki is fictional and NOT a resource for real tropical cyclones. NONE of this wiki's content should be taken as a real indication of inclement weather.


Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
  Tropical storm Alex
                         Winds 40 mph 
                          Air pressure 997 mbar 
                         Damage 1 penny (low record of damage )

Hurricane Bonnie

               Category 5 
               Winds 170 mph 
                Air pressure 900 mbar 
               Damage 108 billion Bucks ( same as Katrina )

Hurricane Carry

            Category 6 
         Winds 231 mph
         Air pressure 888 mbar
        Damage 108,000,000.01 ( one cent more than Katrina )

hurricane Daniel

      Category 1 
   Winds 74 mph
 Air pressure 987 mbar 

Hurricane Erika

   Category 2 
 Winds 96 mph
Air pressure 970 mbar

Tropical depression six

      Winds 17 mph 
  Air pressure 1001 mbar
Damage 0.00 dollars

Tropical depression seven

Winds 19 mph
Air pressure 1007
Damage .01 dollars

Tropical storm Fred

Winds 45 mph
Air pressure 
Damage 1.45 dollars

Hurricane Grace

Category 2 
Winds 100 mph
Damage 1,000 dollars
Air pressue 962

Hurricane Hengry

Category 1 
Winds 75 mph

Hurricane Irene

Winds 160 mph

Hypercane jimmy

Winds 500000000000000000000000000

Tropical storm Katia

Winds 45

Tropical storm lee

Winds 39 

Hurricane Maria

Category 1 
Winds 74

Hurricane Norman

Category 2
Winds 100 

Hurricane Olivia

Category 5 
Winds 175

Hurricane Paul

Cat 1